Veuillez trouver ci-dessous nos contacts, si vous souhaitez appuyer les projets del' AMI.
Coordinateur: BIZIMANA Jean Baptiste
Phone: +250 788-849-846
Strategic Objectives
- The main objective of the organization is to work towards a positive and integral transformation of all sectors of the Rwandan society and of the countries of the Great Lakes Region. They will pursue this through specific objectives, which are:
- Strengthen individuals in personal and social transformation capacities;
- Supporting civil society organization so that they have the capacity to actually work for a balanced society;
- Strengthen collaboration and solidarity between the actors of social change for more synergy and efficiency;
- Encourage the emergence of non-violent solution to conflict situations;
- Transforming the attitude of the citizens of the region, with a particular emphasis on youth, towards a more responsible, active, critical and solidarity approach to life;
- Contribute to the healing of wounded hearts in Rwanda and the region through a community approach;
- Contribute to the improvement of socio-economic conditions of the vulnerable;
- Contribute to the creation of a general mentality towards peace, able to showcase what we have in common rather than what divides us;
- Capitalize on the approaches of AMI, including good governance in other countries in the Great Lakes region.